
Content Responsible according to § 10 paragraph 3 MDStV: Parkstrom GmbH, Stefan Pagenkopf-Martin, Andreas Zumschlinge

Liability Note: Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

The copyright of all texts present on this website belongs to Parkstrom GmbH. Without their express and written consent, these texts may not be used privately or commercially, reproduced, altered, or passed on to third parties. Legal venue: Berlin.

Parkstrom GmbH
Karl-Marx-Allee 71
D – 10243 Berlin
Phone +49 (0) 30 439 71 50 00

Managing Directors: Stefan Pagenkopf-Martin, Dr. Andreas Zumschlinge

Register Court: Commercial Register Charlottenburg District Court, HRB 146765 B
Tax Office for Corporations II Berlin
Tax ID: 37/466/50692

VAT ID: DE287753405

Concept, Editing, and Coordination

Parkstrom GmbH

Parkstrom GmbH
Karl-Marx-Allee 71
10243 Berlin
Fon +49 30 439 71 50 00